Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Aisling: Main Character Profiles

Aisling = ASH-ling

Aisling is a reckless and strong young woman. She is described as beautiful and androgynous, looking like a boy when she wears Colin's liveries for the Yule celebrations. She has come under a hardship since her mother and father died in quick succession. She is left with Lady Isobel Quinn who married her father under the belief that he was wealthy, only to find after his death that he had many debts. Her stepmother blames her for this, and puts the burden of her fathers debts on her. She becomes the servant in her stepmother's home. Her mother cursed a fairy by the name of Sidhean, who follows her and is sort of a guardian angel, but only because he is in love with her. She loves fairy stories, and rereads the books of fairy tales her father brought her back on his final trip before he died. She often walks head on into the face of danger, seemingly daring danger to test her. She is at the beginning of the book overtaken with a grief that threatens her ability to want to live, however as she falls for Kaisa, she realises that she does indeed want to live, and this gives her a new bravery. 

Nihongogo (2011). Can’t get enough of Maki Horikita [online]. Available from: <堀北-真希 /cant-get-enough-of-maki-horikita-堀北-真希-5/>. [Accessed 05/02/2014]. 

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